I like Origen for some reasons, but reading some of his stuff (and most stuff that comprises Systematic Theology) is exhausting. It’s the most contortionist crap, asking us to bend our minds to follow logic from scripture in ways that violate our understandings of the world. "Imagine a round square.“ SERIOUSLY? What that frak does that even mean? Well, but God is the First Square and is pre-existent and before all corners and thusly round and…
I can "get” Trinity as ways to imagine manifestations of Divinity, but the ways that it is dogmatically described are weird and nonsensical. Formless and formed, everywhere and all-powerful yet somehow seemingly powerless against some bitter ex-follower (Devil) except NOPE not powerless because FREE WILL and it’s really about the long game (God is raining down acid on you because you’re going to LEARN SOMETHING, you just can’t understand it now and that Devil guy will get it eventually). And even though God is formless, we can all agree that God is masculine even though God isn’t masculine because, well, it is apparent in the universe obviously (because I’m a dude and I’m into my penis and wtf women are useless unless they are virgins inseminated by the incorporeal God who apparently CAN manifest corporeally via SEMEN). And God was somehow ministered to by his Only Begotten Son who is part of the Father and pre-existent and ROUND SQUARES.
Seriously, if God is beyond conception and is Eternal Mystery and whatever, then what is all this crap? Stop trying to draw some weird diagram of it. The Church just spouts all this contradictory, nonsensical crap and then tells you that you have to believe this weird, nonsensical crap because otherwise your substantive soul, which is somehow eternal despite not being able to exist without substance (wtf happens when we rot?) because only God can do that substance-less existence thing… Your eternal, substantive soul will go to Hell and burn for eternity.
Seriously, can we just go back to the Bible and read about Jesus? Or can we start imaging God in ways that don’t require drugs or something to understand? What is the point of Systematic Theology? Whether God is 3-in-1 or 1-in-3 or whatever the frak, how does that matter to my life? Constructive theology offers theological positions which have consequence for my life. Systematic Theology seems to be about Orthodoxy. I can believe the sky is purple, but it probably won’t effect how I go about my life. Whether I believe in the Trinity or not is of zero consequence because I don’t believe that Catholic Church’s dogma determines my salvation any more than I believe the Constitution does.
When do we get to Process Philosophy? That stuff makes so much more sense than this.
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