Do I believe in destiny? Do I feel it? Do I feel things I can’t see?

Destiny? I don’t really think so. I think that certain things should and will happen just because the universe is set up in ways that make some amazing things possible. For instance, one of my friends was recently going on about how he feels like he’ll never find a good woman and whatnot. He’s really into someone. I told him if it was meant to happen, it would. By that I didn’t mean that I think that each person is destined to be with another specific person or anything, but I meant that the universe has a certain amount of order to it. We could probably boil that down to people’s biological and chemical makeups and say that those (among other) elements draw people together and in that sense, perhaps such unions are “meant,” but I don’t know that I could accept a classical definition of destiny.

That said, I do feel like I have a certain calling in life and a direction I feel drawn to go. I don’t know that it’s my destiny, because I certainly feel like I have control over a lot of it. I don’t think a giant hand is going to guide me to get where I feel like I need to go and I think I’m quite capable of messing it all up if I don’t live my life the way I should and make the appropriate decisions and give my work the appropriate passion and devotion.

I often feel very connected to the world… sometimes in an extremely physical way and sometimes in a way that’s entirely Other. I feel like that connection is beyond us, but also within us in a way that gives us power to cultivate it and bring about change. I think that power manifests in a compassionate awareness that can be radiant, beautiful, and accomplish great things.

I don’t know if any of that makes sense. I am a fan of writing things and not looking back. And also of saying stupid stuff.