@Regrann from @neil.degrasse - Ready for this.. If you are 25 years old, the universe is 552 million times older than you. 552,000,000 years. If you are 25 years old, you’ve existed for .000000002% of all of the time that has passed, and that’s rounded up, it’s actually less than that.
We’ve stepped on the moon .. That’s 220,000 miles away, pretty cool.. Pretty impressive. The sun is 92 million miles away. Pluto is 3.5 billion miles give or take a few. It took our fastest space craft a decade to reach Pluto. The time it would take to get to the center of our galaxy alone would be 20,000 years .. Traveling at 186,252 miles per second. We’re not even on the outer edge. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. There are 5.8 trillion miles in a light year. Times 100,000! That is a lot of zeros. But wait.. The nearest galaxy to us is 2 million light years away, and we’re going to collide with it!!! In about 4 billion years.. But don’t worry, the sun will have expanded into its red giant stage by then and engulfed the earth and everything in between. A million earth’s fit into our sun (at its current size). There are over 100 billion stars….. In our galaxy alone. There are over 100 billion galaxies with over 100 billion stars in each. Each with their own planets orbiting them. Each the size of our sun or much, much larger. Shall I go on? I’ll let you ponder about this for a little while. #neildegrassetyson #Regrann
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